Simulation or Game?
This week we play tested four simulations, here are my evaluations of each.
Space X
I didn’t really enjoy this. It was far to slow for my liking
and the controls were very hard to understand at first. I tried a few times but
was never successful, and it wasn’t until after the 5th attempt, did
I realize I what I was trying to accomplish. The first few attempts I reset because
I never felt like I was getting anywhere. I think the instructions could have had
a little more guidance as to what the actual process was. The goal was obvious,
dock the ship, but there was no understanding of what that actually means.
I would say this was a simulation.
I liked the simplicity of the design for this. I didn’t like
the instructions and the over abundance of information you needed to try it
out. I was successful in that I achieved a score of 4, however, my game ended because
I two aircraft came to close to each other!
I believe Sky-High is also a simulation.
Circuit Lab
I really, really like the idea of this. If I knew anything
at all about circuits, I think it may be a very useful tool to simulate circuits
or ideas for a build before building in real life. I did not like the
complexity of the content, but that it just because I truly had no idea what I
was doing. The interface itself was very easy and simplistic to grasp, which
was nice.
I don’t know if I was successful or not because I don’t
really know what the goal was??
I would classify this as a simulation as well. Like the
other playtest, this one seems to be for practice of a very specialized skill set.
I would imagine if I was in to circuitry or testing out different builds, I
would find enjoyment out of it, but I don’t see it as a game.
Cell to Singularity
I really enjoyed this. I love the design and the simplistic
nature of it and the underlying learning aspect is well done. I can’t say that
I found any dislikes to it. I never met the goal, only because I didn’t have
the time to dedicate to see it all the way through.
I would say this is 100% a simulation game. The whole time I
didn’t feel like I was learning anything specifically or practicing a skill for
mastery. I was just playing a game with a leaning objective infused in it. I
could easily see myself sinking hours into this, which for me is the idea of a
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